SHTM: photos of the ghwees' wedding.
ok ok... here's the photos from the ghwee's wedding.
(note to self: i need to upgrade my camera. blurry mess. sigh..)
be ready for alot of self-obsessed but incredibly lovely and cute (or so we claim) ladies, sluts and bitches!!!!!! ARE YOU READY???
a few decent shots 1st: who was there?
(note to self: i need to upgrade my camera. blurry mess. sigh..)
be ready for alot of self-obsessed but incredibly lovely and cute (or so we claim) ladies, sluts and bitches!!!!!! ARE YOU READY???
a few decent shots 1st: who was there?

left to right: angie, yiyi, xiang, jeannie (our floor manager), dorkie, min!!!

far left: jonnie, far right: CPE chris.

second from right: jac, the lao3 lao4. the most revered. and not to be trifled with. =)

we love the female toilet at novotel cos it has lotsa mirrors. not forgetting disposable toilet seats.. heh.

my crazy bitches. (we spent so much time in the female toilets we forgot about jonas.. twice. haha.) see dorkie and her bandaged middle finger.. how rude.

all looking demure and sweet.. i gonna miss them so so much.

the babes of starhub tampines. (where's mich?)

my bikram mates!!!!! yiyi and xiang~!!!! the best!!!

cutesy angie.. acting slutty with bitchy me.

"haha... I'M THE BOSS!" with sexy jonnie.

verdict: dorcas sexy. me no. can anyone be so skinny, have legs that goes on forever and be incredibly tall? i m so jealous..

mah girls... looking good. haha.

its US again!!! told you we are self-obsessed!! dun you just love us?!
no? JUST TOO BAD~! lalalalala~~~

the thankful thing about working in starhub, other than the MONEY, is that i met this bunch of lovely folks. with you guys ard, there is really nothing much i can ask for. (except for weekends off? heh.)
it is funny where life takes you.. think just one year ago.. we were barely strangers. i'm really glad i met you guys.. till i see you ppl again in april, take care and i'll be missing you alot.
more than alot.
it is funny where life takes you.. think just one year ago.. we were barely strangers. i'm really glad i met you guys.. till i see you ppl again in april, take care and i'll be missing you alot.
more than alot.
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