i love these bitches.
as promised, photos of yesterday's outing with xiang, yiyi, dorkie and jackie!!!

my darling bitches: dorkie, xiang, min min, yiyi.

then when we decided i shld make a wish. i am so engrossed with the actual act of making a wish (that is taking a shot of me wishing) that i forgot to make a wish!!! stupid me. shall make a wish now!!! *close my eyes*

it's a white choc tiramisu from breadtalk. yum..

one of our many unglam shots.

one of our many (act) glam shots.

xiang and jackie-the-great-photographer-and-gentleman.

final shot of the day. all looking lovely.
i don't remember laughing so much in a long long time.. love you guys!! thanks for making the effort to meet up.. the mere presence of you guys makes me blessed.. hugs. very happy indeed. spend alot of time catching up with some stuff with lotsa crappings and bitchings in between- FOUND. justin. econs. school. vainpox. sex. and we are all educated on how-to-use-a-tampon by dorkie baby (oh.. jackie learnt too). haha.
oohh... this is xiang's puppy. she is called OREO. a really cute lil bitch. she is really tiny and likes to stay in the shade - just like her owner, xiang. haha. i am so jealous.. gonna abduct OREO one day!!
oohh... this is xiang's puppy. she is called OREO. a really cute lil bitch. she is really tiny and likes to stay in the shade - just like her owner, xiang. haha. i am so jealous.. gonna abduct OREO one day!!

today's my last day being a 19. hello to the humongous TWO in a few minutes time.
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