i hate having to write title.
my MSN Beta pisses the hell outta me!!! 1st, it periodically disallow me to talk/reply to some of my frens by refusing to send out my msgs. and now, it is logging me in and out, in and out. argh.. i wanna rip it apart!!! or maybe not.. cos it is FUN!!
lemme do a run thru of some of its new features..
[1] it allows u to choose ur status before u logged in.
[2] u can draw!!! with this function called HANDWRITE.
[3] u can leech ppl of their emoticons by right clicking ppl's cute smileys and add to ur own collection.
[4] u can give ppl a NUDGE. the whole window will vibrate. *giddy*
[5] u can give ppl a WINK! another added feature.
wahaha. i love it despite its flaws and all.
i was surfing the net a few days back and stumbled across this latest addition to the apple family: iPod SHUFFLE!!

what i dont like. "enjoy uncertainty" indeed. it does not have a display to tell u what track it's playing, actually thats the whole idea. using the shuffle function, u won't noe what song to expect next. so yes.. that's the uncertainty they are talking about.
i will still very much like to own an iPod!!! despite it being relatively bulky. i need an alarm clock. and ipod comes with an alarm clock!!! so i shld get it!!!??? wahahaha.. thousand and one excuses. better save up from now on.. yes!!!
my 4 hours break went by pretty fast. thanks to lynn!!!! visited her hall - king edward. and shall i say it is all very happening!!! thats the wildlife i am referring too. heh. (no offence.) this imprudent mynah simply stroll past lynn's front door, along the corridor in full sight of the 2 of us!! what blatant disregard of our presence. its such funny sight i tell you.. wahahahhaa.
her room is nice!! larger than what yiyi used to have at pgp only not so new. i think hall life is great. minus all those activities u have to participate in. =)
enjoy ur long weekend ahead.
enjoy ur long weekend ahead.
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