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Friday, April 28, 2006

Sprees to come.

To cheer myself up,

upcoming sprees:

1) Birkies

2) Victoria's Secret


Thursday, April 27, 2006


(Updated: 28 April 2006, 11:08AM)

I had a good night sleep and woke up feeling much better.

I screwed up. period.

So deal with it.

A CAP score of 3.9 or 3._ (insert figure from 2 to 9) doesn't matter as long as it is above 3.2, i.e. a degree with merit.

2 more papers to go. Today and tomorrow.

Then, it is 3 months long of LIBERATION!!! Woohoo~ Call me outt.



I think I really screwed this semester up.


(can't bear to see my CAP go down. but at least i do not have to rack my brains as to whether to do honours or not anymore. fuckkk.)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Something hilarious.

Warning: Not the the faint hearted and highly recommended for those stressed out.

I am supposed to be studying. But I had to share this with you!!

A blog my brother discovered. Freaking hilarious - never had such a good laugh in ages.

Check out this blog:


and this is my personal favourite:

Bu De Bu Ai *must watch*

Ok. I am going to roll over and laugh once more.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Be back blogging on the 29th. :)

I am supposed to study but I couldn't and went to doodle with photoshop instead.

So presenting to you, photos from Xiang's birthday. Haha. That's like one month ago I know. Doesn't matter lah, ok.

Here goes:

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(Babe, all the frames are in green to match the colour of your top. Honoured yea?)

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No bitch fight. They played a while and couldn't care less about each other after a while. Oreo only cared for Xiang and Pebble only cared for "mum mum" (eating).

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Xiang got matching cakes for both species of her guests.
The strawberry cake is like a piece of heaven. I like!

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Huiying (the girl on far left) happens to be my primary school friend (CCPS).
(sing) Small world after all. :)

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... and they finally get to eat after all the photo taking. yay~
Pebble loves it. Thank you, Xiang.

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Bwah. Pebble looks so unwilling in this pic. Silly girl.

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And to end off this post, here's my little kimono girl.

Ok. I am feeling so guilty now. Off to mug. 4 more papers and none I've studied.

Dead duck.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I got it! Woohoo..

Eeee-Hahhh!!! Good news!!!

From: XXX@sg.d*d*b.com
To: Poh Qimin [u0400690@nus.edu.sg]
Subject: Congratulations! You have been selected.


You have been hand-picked to take part in our exclusive 2006 D*D*B Apprentice Program starting from 15 May 2006.

Kindly find attached - the 2006 D*D*B Apprentice Program booklet, do print out a copy and devour it if you can!

(The rest of the details are for me to savour – nah, mainly internship details.)
I applied to 2 companies for my summer holiday internship – one advertising and one events. I also procrastinated applying for another two event companies.

Now I need to apply no more.

Nailed the advertising one at D*D*B Worldwide Pte Ltd.


(And momentarily happy about being SEVERELY underpaid.)

Monday, April 17, 2006

I love to shop, shop, shop.

I haven't shop in a million years.

And finally, I couldn't resist.

Went through all my usual sprees sites and found that there is only one 'open' spree - cutie fashion, taiwan.

Cutie what? Heck, just buy.

After a few clicks (and more typing), I virtually own a new dress and a new top now. Yippeee.

And of course, ended up a few tens of buckaroos poorer.

Now, I can start studying in peace. Woot~

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pebble is family. (Part 1)

The way Pebble enters our lives was somewhat odd, but swift. Odd because my mum warned me a million times against bringing a dog home. Swift because the transition period was really brief; everyone just kind of accepted her.

14 Feb 2006:

I was walking home from the clinic this vday and saw someone walking her dog. Strange enough, I had this feeling I was going to have a dog that day. Don’t ask why. Call it the woman’s sixth sense. It’s silly but I was looking out for dogs while I made my way home, and thought to myself that if I see one, I would bring it back.

Of course, I see none at all.

The bizarre thing happened when my sister asked if I wanted a puppy for a week. No, I didn't tell her anything about dogs when i reached home. Hmm. Her friend’s Shihtzu and Jack Russell gave birth to 4 babies. One died prematurely and of the three, two looks like Shihtzu and the other, Jack Russell.

I didn’t give her a definite yes or no. My parents were away for a week, the timing seems excellent. But the bugging thought was how they, my mum especially, will go ballistic if they realize we brought a dog home.

15 Feb 2005:

Pebble arrived at my house on 15th February 2006. It was a regular Wednesday night until Jamie, my sister’s friend, came looking for me with a little thing in her arms. Surprise surprise.

Pebble is family. Why do I say so?

Because Pebble looks so much like a Jack Russell and I never like JRT to start with. (I think they are ugly and too muscular for me.) I always thought my sister's going to bring home a Shihtzu lookalike, if we decided to adopt one; albeit for a week. I like lazy dogs and I like Shihtzu ‘cause they look stupid (with positive connotation).

But Pebble has the most pathetic looking eyes ever. It’s difficult not to fall in love with her. That night she was feeling extremely sad. It's to no surprise because she was only 6 weeks old when she came. Too young definitely.

I gave her my pillow as her makeshift bed, sang her lullaby to make her sleep (and it works!) and slept by the sofa to watch her.

That 1st night, she wakes up every 30 minutes or so to whine. Yea, she is very sad indeed. I patted her a little each time and she’ll return to sleep, only to do the same thing 30 minutes later.

Pebble's 1st few days with us.

Pebble is family because it doesn’t matter how she look, we accepted her all the same.

... to be continued.


Feeling rather overwhelm tonight, somehow.

I am starting to accept the fact I am the epitome of indecisiveness.
But some things I set my eyes on and I will never take my eyes off that goal.
Like wanting to work in events.

I also think I have a rather huge ego.
And the fact that I am happy with where I currently am doesn’t seem to make a difference.
Like feeling bitter about being rejected by SMU, though I really enjoy NUS Arts.

And I can’t seem to escape from the fact I am Piscean, i.e. think a lot.
Even though I try not to subscribe to that dumb list of traits.
Like having a dependable loving boyfriend and still pondering over non-issues.

The thing is I still love myself very much. Bwah. I mean we have to learn to love ourselves before we can start loving others, isn’t it?

This leads me to another issue – unintended but relevant.

I'm really serious when I say this: Don’t let anyone put you down.
I hate it when it happens. I hate it when someone does that to my friends.

See. I may be indecisive, have a huge ego, thinks too much, am very forgetful and yes, am constantly not punctual – do you guys love me all the same?

I am taking silence (haha) as a yes.

So yea, you may be this and that and this and that. And it doesn’t matter because I love you all the same. And so do the other people around you.

Don’t let someone make you feel you are a lesser human. To err is human. What’s the big deal as long as you make an effort to remedy the situation upon realization?

Lastly, what’s the key in relationships?

In my opinion, it’s mutual respect. Think over.

(Hidden messages to random people. It might just be you. Haha. Urps.)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

F for Foucault.

Foucault says:

"The individual is an effect of power, and at the same time, or precisely to the extent that it is that effect, it is an element of its articulation. The individual which power has constituted is at the same time its vehicle."

Qimin reads:

"The individual is an effect of power, and at the same time, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. The individual blah blah blah what vehicle."

Now I know why everyone was fucking stressed up during this particular tutorial, while I was at my laptop and happily in my own world.

Worse thing - this is compulsory reading for an essay that constitutes 30%, and more importantly, is due bloody hell tomorrow.

I love Foucault.

Yes, I do.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nggggghhh~ 你骗我的~~~

Ngggghhh your head lah, Ngh!

Omg, she did it again. Share your high pitch act cute voice in private please.

In front of me, sits this couple who is probably playing some “very interesting” online game. So engrossed, they seem oblivious they are on school compound, or at the very least, of the fact that there are people, like me, around who don’t really want to catch them hanky panky.

PDA (public display of affection) overload, go get a room or something. Urg.

I am tempted to snap a pic to attach to this post. But I won't 'cause I am nice. Heh.

Just lower your volume AND pitch, or shut the crap up.

This is a SCHOOL LIBRARY, damnit.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

It's a small world after all.

Tell me about it.

I've been scouting for event companies for my internship this summer break.

And I've been eyeing this company called, The Event Company, for quite some time already.

So imagine my horrors when I saw this today.

*blink blink* *rub eyes*

OMG. Is that Mr Yong I am seeing?

What now? Should I apply or should I not?

(If you are from TKBand, you would understand. Now come, give me some suggestions.)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Random shout-outs.

Ok, exams are round the corner, and I am 30% through projects and assignments and 0% through any module.

Yay. I am reaping what I sow from the start of semester till now - not studying AT ALL. Coolness.

But nvm, not that I am panicking yet. (I wonder why.)

I am going to say it again, so bear with me, "TO HELL WITH SEM 2s!"



ilurvetoshop no more.

I am hatching a plan, to move my blog. And that will mean a new blog skin and the whole package that goes along with it. Hopefully, I am disciplined enough to only do that after examinations. Heh.

And here's a exemplification of why I am piscean. As much as I want to move on to a new phrase in life, I always look back and think of the "has beens" and "what ifs". Excessively I would say, which is why I think I can be the most indecisive person alive.

Make a decision and stick with it, damnit. I mean how difficult is that. *strangles myself*


Lastly, this may be belated news for some of you.

To the people of 26/02, check your mails for something exciting! Accept the invitation and start injecting some life into it, would you!?

Look forward to seeing you peeps soon. :)


Not really a problem specified to me but I am left wondering,

it's just the decision to love whole heartedly or not to love at all.

It's so simple. Then how it is we make it so complicated.

Let's all run to the nunneries (or monasteries).

So the Buddha teaches that love is an attachment.

Quoting this website,
"our own projections, selfish expectations and exaggerations are the foundations
of attachment and the unavoidable disappointment."
Since we are ordinary folks, hence the desire to love is inherent and inevitable. Perhaps we should love without a idealised goal/outcome in mind; give without expecting any return/reciprocity; say no good things of our lovers.

But that will make us all semi gods and goddesses, isn't it?

If I make any sense at all, this is why I am saying - it is so damn bloody difficult.


Deliver us please.

Crossroads. (I want to shop though.)

(i.e. near penniless! but probably value adds to resume!)
Holiday job
(i.e. moneyyy! shopping! and sales!)
Can someone give me some suggestion? Boo.

Monday, April 03, 2006

The package that makes turning 21 THIS YEAR totally, uncool.

Have you guys gotten bored of looking at the same-old-shredminator entry already?

I know you are; that’s why I skipped school today (again) to steal a moment doing this update.

Heh. Kidding. I skipped school because I’ve a dozen assignments/essays/projects to rush and thereafter, a zillion readings/lecture notes/tutorials to catch up.


A short post before I go on proof reading my research paper.


Excerpt from the website:
Who can receive Growth Dividends?To receive Growth Dividends, you must:
- Be a Singapore citizen,
- Be aged 21 years or above as of 31 December 2005; and
- Sign up for the Progress Package by 31 December 2006.
