of frenship.
i truly enjoyed this short stint at starhub tampines. barely a month. but it was great. and it was only great becos i have you guys with me - xiang, yiyi, dorkie, sylvester, jonnie, angie, mich and normmie. i count my blessings that i meet you guys. each and everyone of you are so fantastic.. its beyond words.
this trip back at SHTM, i also learn to appreciate alot of things i used to take for granted. adrian, jeannie, jac, meien, rachel. these are the ppl that i feel, to some extent, indebted to. a simple thanks will not suffice. i can only appreciate deep down.
have you ever been so close to someone yet when u see the same person a few years down the road, u wonder why u guys are ever close, how close u were or if you were ever close to the person?
i have. sometimes i blame my short term memory. but i guess its just becos we had not put in the effort to maintain what we fought so hard to maintain. a simple thing called frenship.
i think of my frens now.. those i truly treasure.. those i hold so close to my heart. and i never ever want the same thing to happen. cos they do mean so much.. so so much. i dun wanna forget why we were close.. what we went thru together.. the kind of special frenship we have that it requires just a wink or a smile to tell it all.. i dun wanna lose them.
yet we all noe by now.. nothing remains status quo. some people enters your life.. some people leaves. tats the way of life.. its the sad truth. what we can do now is to treasure these people when you still can. at least when u leave.. you leave an indelible mark. you make a difference. then all the efforts will not be in vain. maybe it is enuf to noe you have given it all..