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Thursday, September 30, 2004

stressful week over soon!

this week's been a stressful week. 2 tests (one 40%, the other 30%!!) and 1 project due(10%). too much for me to handle. but yup.. tmr is friday and the week is going to be over soon. hand up my project tmr and take my econs test on saturday!! all will be fine.. life will resume to its usual manageable pace. =)

today stayed back in school till 7.20pm to do my english lang. (EL) project. this is our 3rd meeting so far. what cheryl said makes lotsa sense.. we spend so much time on a EL project that cost us a measly 10% while the sociology(SC) test essay itself that took us minutes was 10% already. but i guess every mark counts.. especially if you are the marginal case kind of ppl. which i unfortunately happen to be one.. heh.

talking about SC.. just had my test yesterday. and i tink its yet another paper screwed! gosh.. the essay was totally a mess. MCQ still fine but becos i din do much of the readings.. cant answer some of the qn. but well.. its MCQ. i have at least 25% chances of getting it right. haha.
so far i had 3 tests (EL, ICM, SC).. all screwed. got back my EL test results.. disappointing (but glad its only 10%). ICM - i dun have too high hopes for that *sigh*. SC.. well.. 'nuff said.
but i gonna keep going. all is not lost though some tests consist of a xtremely high percentage. thats uni life.. and i have much to adapt to.

today after the EL project, cheryl's dad sent me home for the 2nd time. so paisay.. always troubling him. but he always claims its on the way. nice daddy. find that i can talk with cheryl alot. so far.. we seems to be talking forever on the ride home. thats nice.. =)

my ah-yi got admitted to hospital last sunday due to food poisoning (stupid malaysia food!). went to visit her yesterday and yay.. just heard from my mum she returned home le. thats good!! very happy to hear that. she's somewhat very important to me.. like a half-mother/granny/whatever since she took care of me since young (until when i was 5yrs old. had to return home for kindergarten.). i dun rmbr my childhood consisting much of my parents and siblings. maybe they din play much of a part anyway. but i like it the way it is.. not many kids will get to enjoy the kind of childhood i had. freedom. doing stupid things. adventures. pure fun! together with ah mei, ah bi, ah tin and ah shan (--> we all got petnames. mine? haha.. =X). spent much of that eventful 5 years shuttling around Ubi Ave 1 and Pipit Road. my childhood is great indeed!! no one ever forcibly teach us ABC, 123 at that age.. but look, we are all doing great. perhaps parents now shld relax and let their kids enjoy childhood more!!

gonna end here. bless us all and keep going!! =)
there are alot of thank yous i wanna say to alot of ppl.. but i tink i can go on forever if i really do. still, BIG THANK YOU to you guys!! for any reason at all.. just thanks!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


sometimes the best way to deal with regret is to confront it. it entails tremendous courage and a right state of mind. but overcoming it, you'll untie a knot in your heart, one thats bugging you for such long long time, and make yourself a much happier person.
thanks. i tink i already noe the answer. glad you are happy. and thats all i can ask for. =)
one day when you finally become old and wrinkled, do you wanna look back and realise how your life is littered with regrets? just because you never reconcile with them when you are able to, when you have the power to change the situation..
thanks QX. you made it possible. you probably do not know how much it means to me. thanks for trusting. =)

definitely not me. its comforting to know at least i've tried.. be it successful or not.

Monday, September 27, 2004

saturday. sunday. monday.

dere's something special about today being a monday, as a weekday.
y? heh.. cos collin is given a free day today!! ytd morn was AHM - army half marathon. 21km. gosh. (he finished the run in 2hr 5min.) so they pay them back by giving them a break today and only be booking in tmr morning. good!!

haven been blogging for the past 2 days (?). lemme do a lil back dated entry here.

meet collin at suntec and went for lunch at tony roma's. so much so that i forgot that i am to meet fang to pass her the money for the mooncakes she is to help me buy from malaysia. heh.. but the meal is good. but i tink collin enjoyed more than i do cos afterall, i'm not a very 'steak' person. will return to try the ribs next time!! yummy.

bought my 1st pair of havaianas slippers today!! its purple!!! very nice shade. and tink it kinda complement my dark complexion. spent a humongous amt of time deciding which to buy.. i like the turquoise, pink, black and white ones!! if its really that comfortable.. maybe i'll go back for another pair! yay..
i haven been buying new stuff for a long long time!! believe it or not.. this mth had been a pretty tight mth cos i overspend the mth before. haha. but counting down.. 3 more days to the end of this mth!!

collin has AHM in the morning. as promise i went to the padang to meet him at 8. suppose to meet him at the finishing line. to be his motivation. but i just cant find the finishing line!! and imagine walking across a field filled with army guys. gosh.. needless to say, he finished his run without seeing me at the finishing line. haha. at least.. i was somewhere there. =)

spend the rest of the day looking for sneakers (queensway --> orchard) cos collin's confinement* for shoes is near the end!! (*last mth, collin had been buying new sneakers for 3 weekends consecutively. i actually gave him a confinement of 4 weekends whereby he's not suppose to buy any. yup.. next weekend onwards.. he can start his sneakers spree again!) ytd, we went peninsula then orchard to see sneakers. haha.. tink he wont give up till he buys one. bought a very comprehensive magazine on sneakers at kinokuniya!! tink thats the highlight of the day. seriously.. thats the kind of magazine we have been waiting for so long. happy for him cos thats what he loves. sneakers.

met fang and meng at night to get my mooncakes. yum yum. big thanks to them!!! fang for buying the mooncakes though i thot it'll be so troublesome. and meng for always being so nice, driving us home. love this couple!! thank you many plenty!!

today - monday!!
went sch at 10 am today for the stupid econs lecture. tink econs lectures are driving me crazy. i'm on the verge of boycotting them. today we had a male lecturer teaching macroeconomics. this male lecturer is worse than the female one. just when i thot the female lecturer was bad!! i guess its that bad that midway, u start seeing ppl leaving the LT. well.. -_-"

met collin after school for a movie. the New Police Story. i never like jacky chan. but this show is good!! and lotsa shuai ge starring too!! ok.. mainly 2!!!! recommended to all.. 2 hr show. tink its worth it. if its not for the show, at least for the eye candies. heh..

and i bumped into xiang today!!! so happy. coincidence. outside the cinema before entering for the show. yeah.. still as skinny, as dark and as girly. only tink she cut her hair. which i tink looks fine ok!!! damn the stupid 'country pumpkin' who so insensitively commented on her hair. hope he becomes bald one day. look who got the last laugh.. oops.. so mean. but i dun care! =P

all in all.. it has been a really good 3 days for me. though i'm feeling wee bit guilty cos i din study much. would feel equally bad if i dun spare time for him too.. so just have to study damn hard whenever i can. i noe right now dere's just alot of talk and no action. but i'll try!! will jia you and nu li.. have faith. take care all. smile. =)

Friday, September 24, 2004

return of the emotional me? not quite.

i'm not actively blogging for all to see but for me to make sense of things. just too many thots that my funky little organiser can't store. blogger is good. unlimited space.

i tink all this blogging is in a way reconciling a lil bit for the old me. the more sensitive part of me. which i believe i choose to bury to make myself stronger, less emotional.. becoming the more pragmatic qimin. which has its pros and cons. being the more pragmatic me i can be as crazy as i like to, not having to tink too much about what others tink. just having pure fun!! the more emotional side of me can sometimes be too sensitive. think too much.. over read stuff. and i dun like that at all. i blame it on my pisces traits. heh.. i did work very hard to not adhere to these traits. not wanting it to be a self fulfilled prophecy. and i succeeded.

but lately pragmatic me is starting not to feel some things. not able to react empathetically to some situations.. perhaps too eager to shut myself from being too emotional. but at the same time, its making me feel like a empty shell. though being pragmatic makes me happier.. in a way. i dunno whether ppl can relate to this kind of feelings.

tokking my feelings out here.. i feel i'm getting in touch with inner self. now, striving to create a nice balance of a pragmatic yet emotional self. not saying i dun like the way i am now, somewhat narcisstic, i like myself alot. heh.. but some adjustment will be good. it'll still be the same me. but hopefully, a better one.

some thots for some ppl out there.. no names mentioned but they'll noe who they are if they understand what i'm writing.

1) some ppl always look to the future.
some ppl to the past.
so much so that they forgot about today.
for all they noe, today was once their future
and when tomorrow comes, it'll be their past.
today is the only day you are in ctrl of.
so dun behave as if you have no ctrl of ur fate,
just because you din try to when you can..
2) sometimes, the closer you look at some stuff
the more distorted it becomes.
but if you take a step back,
you'll see much clearer for sure.
if someone says something u dun agree,
u can say its bullshit.
if 10 ppl come up to say that same thing,
maybe you have to rethink ur stand.
if only we can make you understand..
lastly.. i may have repeat this a dozen times. but i tink this is really true.
3)whether the day is good or bad,
whether you smile or frown.
life goes on as it is.
so why not smile
and make life easier for urself and those ard you.
in my opinion.. smiling, even the day stinks
is not a facade you are carrying,
but a consolation to urself.
[read this from some email sometime back..]
just as you woke up this morning,
you are fortunate.
cos some ppl din even live to see the daybreak of today.
see.. life is so good, isn't it? stop comparing how some ppl seems happier than you.. but stop by to look at the many others who are more unfortunate. ppl under sexual abuse, ppl who are constantly in hunger, ppl who never knew what peace is, ppl living under terror.. all their life. but they are all fighting for survival.
you may not agree with all that i write. anyway, like i say earlier.. its all for me to make sense of happenings. you may also feel its easier to say than to act out. which i agree. and all these can be whole loads of crap!! but at least its optimism that make me happier, make life easier.. and if it keeps me going.. y not?
so on a final note.. life is still GREAT. heh.. keep smiling!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

i'm back!!

hi!! i'm back so fast.

barely survive the no internet-blogger-msn-hotmail-friendster-laptop day. maybe thats y i'm going for ICM. which toks about media, technology, communication, blah blah.. ppl often asked me what is this course about. i always reply: "something like learning about media integrated with IT." in fact, i'm beginning not to noe what is this course about. though i already printed out one whole stack of information regarding ICM prior admission to NUS FASS. will read the curriculum again to refresh my memory about what i'll be taking the next 3.5 yrs. but it kinda doesn't matter anyway cos no matter wat, i'll still have it as my major since there's nothing else i can take in FASS. psychology? sociology? south east asian studies? i doubt so.. maybe i'll try taking theatre studies next sem. and consider economics if all else fails. nonetheless.. i guess its pretty fixed that it'll be Information and Communication Management. if this course din exist, i'll probably not exist in FASS either. i shldn't grumble so much though cos there are ppl who din even get anywhere.

that day, during my icm tutorial, mr gui was jokingly asking who wanted to go NTU. i raised up my hand without hestitaion. not trying to be a joker and not that i do not fully noe what i was doing and the consequences of doing so (mr gui called me a betrayer[jokingly. again.] and asked me to answer some qn which i have no idea how to cos i din do the readings. heh.. the usual.).. i just had to do it. maybe a part of me still cant reconcile with the fact that i din get to where i wanted--> NTU comm studies. but there is no such things as 'if only i had work harder during JC'. i noe if i had the chance to relive JC days.. i'll be the same me.. except that i'll remain in TPJC for good and no, thank you to AJC. then again.. maybe i'll regret not noeing the wonderful bunch of 26/02 peeps.

i guess some higher power up there had it all planned out for me. for better or for worst, i'll make the best out of it. you only live once in a lifetime anyway. and in mr gui's words.. "what's the worst that can happen?" right on.. totally agree. i tink he's great and that short statement struck me in a great way.

i din spend my last 2 days studying much. sadly but i tink i've tried. guess i just have to work harder to make up for all these. and i will.

collin called me at 6pm when he returned from his field camp today. i'm so glad he did and to hear he's all fine. my foreboding din come true. thank goodness. i prayed hard and i'm not sure if my prayers are answered or not. but i'm just glad everyone's safe and sound. collin will be back tmr. return to camp on saturday nite cos gonna help out with AHM stuff thats on sunday morning. then booking out(again!) on sunday afternoon after the AHM stuff and only be booking in on tuesday morning. hurray!! i'm so happy with the arrangement. sunday supposedly worth more than weekdays. but weekdays off is good too!! at least movies are cheaper. not so much crowd. and a refreshing change.

i gotta end here. i need to sleep. need to be in school at 8 am tmr. such ungodly time..
it doesnt matter now for me to noe the answer but i just wanna noe..
an end note for all to tink about.. i have this sudden surge of thots and emotions lately. must be the blogging and reading ppl's blogs that make me more aware of things happening around me and in me. i never realise how some individuals are struggling with life.. cos everyone seems so fine. we are all carrying some form of facade and we may not noe cos we can't even identify which is the real us anymore. my sudden concern for some frens.. is it the real me or just another facade of me?

i dunno and i dun care. just take life as it is. u may have plans for 20, 30 yrs down the road. but heck, you dun even noe if you'll survive tomorrow. at least you are in control of today and make it your best. i still say.. LIFE IS GREAT!! stay optimistic and for all you noe, tomorrow may be a better day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

no more laptop for me..

no more laptop for me.. at least till thursday.

my laptop is a major distraction. i blame it for me not studying. (yesh.. i din do anything ytd. even though i said i would.) today will be the last day i blog.. will be back blogging when school starts on friday. i really have to spend the next 2 days mugging cos i am really lagging like shit. sindy and meiqi asked me out today. but i can't!! anyway, they all seems not too free aso and a wee bit last min. next week ladies!! i'll arrange!?

i woke up at 10 am today, could have slpt more!! the aircon technicians came to change the units in my parent's and my brother's room. which is good cos their's are forever dripping water. heh.. oh.. mine is changed earlier cos it drips water too. all that drilling and talking. too noisy for me to do work. argh..

the day is bright and sunny today. but too hot for me to run. will go for the jog in the evening. good weather!! yeah..

i'll miss my wonderful blog. and my laptop. maybe msn.

ciao.. wish me luck with studying. i need more self discipline.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

nothing happened. *phew*

*phew* so nothing happen yesterday. ytd, keep recalling the time when sebastian (who supposedly eerily noes fortune telling) told me that i shld trust my 6th sense cos its likely to be very accurate.
glad my 6th sense wasn't right at all. =)

collin msg me this morning at 06:19:55 saying he's going out outfield today. back on thurs afternoon.
and oh dear.. its raining so badly today. tink they are going to have a hard time dealing with all that mud. poor thing..

me.. suppose to go run today. but "tian bu zuo mei". keep raining. was intending to go run at 12pm. then i heard thunder. darn.. went for a bath at 2pm. and when i came out, it seems all good. rain has clear.. sufficiently bright enuf. then realise i can't find my running shoes. before i could find them.. heaven goes pouring again. not fated to run today. tmr perhaps..

not been touching my books yet. today must do some work ba.. if not, will feel damn bad. must jiayou and work hard. i tink i've change quite alot from sec to JC to uni. change for the better? maybe.
gonna stop and do some proper work!! like catching up with my sociology, which is seriously lagging right from the 1st chapter. *yawnx*

heh.. i'm gone. poof!

Monday, September 20, 2004

worried. anxiety. lost.

i have a bad feeling right from the beginning of today. Indescribable kind of feeling. one that cause me to tear.. for no reason. just a bad feeling. as if something not right might happen today.

pls let nothing happen today.. hope time can be fast forwarded to 12 am and ease my anxiety.

i can't reach collin. it's 10:36 pm. 6 mins past lights off. his phone is off. i hope i am just being a worry wart. but the fact i din hear anything from him at all worry me. he has a field camp this week. maybe he went for the field camp but din inform me its today.

whoever up there, pls stand by me and let nothing happen. pls make sure everyone is fine. *praying hard*

life is..

i am feeling kinda emotional now.

just feel that very often, we take lots of things for granted. and often lamenting that life is so hard.
but we often fail to see how some individuals are struggling with life. life that is incomparable to ours.
if we possess the ability to step out of our own lives and view our lives as an outsider, perhaps the world will be a better place to live in.
but often, as the saying goes "the fish are so deep in the water that they don't even noe it."

and very often, we take alot of ppl for granted. ppl whom we care for, we love, we treasure.
neglecting them for the fact that we noe they'll always be there.
but what if one day.. they aren't ard anymore.
will you regret not saying "i care" when u really do, or saying "i love you" when the person really means the world to you.

the saddest thing in life is probably to live in regret.
Knowing its once in ur hands to do something bout life and for the ppl ard you but u din becos u dun wan to or simply dun give a damn.

to the ppl whom i love, treasure and care so much for.. you may and may not know who you are.
there may be many times i dun seem to care or appreciate that you care..
but deep down i do.

* i love you grandma. no matter where you are, and i'm sorry i din show it when i could. i miss you.
* my family: there are times i din play my part but i do care.
* collin: you noe u mean the world to me. i just wanna say thank you.
* ah mei, ah bi, ah tin: you guys means alot to me!!! really.
* wishing you happiness always. though our lives are now 2 separate entities.
* all my frens i hold so closely to my heart.. i tink u'll noe who u are. love you all.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

no school tmr.. yeah!

yep.. no school tmr. its my long awaited term break!! no school till thursday. haven been touching books since friday. will get some things done by the end of this term break ba. must catch up or readings and doubts will only keep snowballing. =)

din go ECP today cos everyone woke up this morning aching. ouch.. my rib-cage aches. ha.. probably cos it hasn't been expanding much for a long long time. heh.. collin got chest muscle aches cos he did pull ups. (note: not becos he ran. tink to him, its really no kick running with moi. heh.) going jogging on tuesday. anyone wanna join me? heh..

went suntec to watch DODGEBALL instead. heh.. another lame show. but its funny!! ben stiller's really a versatile actor. rate it 3.9/5. pay-to-laugh kinda show. but it is really better than what i expected.. so.. maybe you guys can try watching. oh..

and i bought the DISNEY MAGIC cd already. have yet to listen to it but i tink shld be not bad. haha.. only disappointment is that they din include 'part of your world' from the little mermaid. love that song alot.. they have 'under the sea' and 'kiss the gal' though. well.. i also dunno y i buy it.. but just another cd i dun mind having. and 44 tracks for just $18.95. y not?

my the 2 pudding hammies went to their new home today, including the cute one shown below. to this gal bout my age.. foreign student. indonesian maybe. i tink the hammies will be in good hands. so now left with mum(black+yellow coat) and dad(yellow coat) hammie. collin is suggesting naming them hei jin kang and bai jin kang. heh.. i thot it sounds real bad. i tink maybe i'll name them pepper and ginger instead. hmm.. gotta confirm their name asap.

happy 52th monthniversary to us! =)

thats all. ciao dudes..

Saturday, September 18, 2004

running day! (*pants*)

went for a run today with dar in the morning at some park near his hse. collin will tink its a jog, not run, cos he's following my pace. but i'm so -_-" i thot i'm going to die running. oh my goodness.. where's the 'physically very fit' qimin (heh.. according to our napfa sheets. rmbr..)? i tink.. i have to keep fit!! exercise more regularly so that i dun pant that much climbing NUS stairs and uphills. build up my metabolism so i can eat more and gain less fats. tone up my otherwise flabby bits. haha. must jiayou on that definitely!! let it top my priority list..
going east coast park with dar tmr. he's so into running nowadays. he's telling me to cycle and he runs, so that it's more kick for him. bottomline is.. cos i run slow. :( haha.. but anyway.. based on my fitness level, i dun tink i can run tmr anymore. heh.. spare me sia.
after the run/jog/whatever, went for mac breakfast. been so long since i last ate it. and surprising, there's still eggs and prices are the same. haha.. and oops.. suppose to meet my insurance agent to sign some documents at my hse but i completely forgot bout her. so she had to come down from god noes where to the mac at bedok reservoir specially for me to sign the documents. sincere apologies.. how can i forget.. tsk. $ nv comes easy la.. heh.

watch windstruck VCD at collin's hse. cried like crazy. dun understand y koreans like to make life so difficult and always prefer a sad twist to anything else.. its a ok show for VCD standards. in the cinema? its a waste of $$ i tink. cos its ok only. the female main character is very pretty but i prefer her not opening her mouth that much and remain looking like a timeless beauty.

went to the DA PAI DAN at somerset, tried the chay kway teow, bbq chix wings and coconut. all tasted ok except for the coconut.. taste so bland and not cold at all. costs me a solid 3 bucks for that. when did coconut become so ex (and someone cut my queue. yeks.)? chix wings is recommended though.. very juicy. hmm.. yum yum.
oh ya.. and i met jas at lido by chance!! miss her so much. saw her with aaron. she's pretty standard.. the usual roxy gal get up. haha. but still looking good. hope to meet up with the rest soon too. but she's so busy now.. SMU got lotsa projects to do apparently. but great to noe she's doing fine there.

i reach home damn shagged. alli can do is lie on my bed and reach out for my laptop and started all the MSN talks.
SIndy: liangwei's in taiwan. army stuff. haha.. sindy got lil work up with all the R&R thingy. i can understand since men have earn themselves such bad reputation (not all but majority?) and taiwan gals are thot to be easy. collin's going taiwan end of this year. all i can say... dun tink too much. if he'll stray, he will. as long as u trust him, nothing else matters. see, i'm trying hard to psycho myself too. haha. had asked sindy to be my cheerleader and repeat all that i've said to her to me when collin is in taiwan. ha.. just a note here: go ahead and stray, ppl.. hope you are well protected agst AIDS though.. oops.. i'm so mean.
QX: troubled with love. letting go is not easy but well.. love is nv easy isnt it? still, i'll support ya if you wanna go ahead and pursue love cos i noe it sucks to live in regrets. love is such incomprehensible stuff.

k la.. tink thats bout it. i gotta go slp and its off to ECP tmr!! yeah.. anyway, tmr (190904) we have been together for 52 mths (4yrs 4mths). pretty long.. many more to come i hope. in ur words, let nature takes its course. ya?
*happy birthday to you!*
poof! outta here.. take care to all the ppl i love, treasure, and miss so much.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

my baby "sapphire-pudding" hammie :)

last test to go before term break!!

yep!! its EL test tmr then comes my :::term break!!!::: happy.

hmm.. kinda screw up my ICM test today. crappable but my points just aren't there or are so disorganise. sian. blame it on not studying and lagging behind. but glad its over! a load off moi mind.. and now.. just have to focus on my EL and do the catching up of the rest next week?? hee.. i beta. *fings-X*

collin just called and said he'll be booking out tmr!! good news.

things are looking up.. just when i was tempted to conclude today as a bad day after doing not-so-goodly for my ICM test, missing my bus (again! and having to wait 10 minutes for the next to come) and buying MILK sandwich crackers when i wanted CHEESE sandwich crackers (can't blame me ya.. the packaging was the same!!! exactly.. so i only miss by one word. darn..)

and another good news, my last 2 baby hammies got adopted finally. glad they found themselves a home!! they are so cute but having my mummy and daddy puddings are enuf for me le. can't take in so many hammies as much as i would looove to. (refer to pic!! this one's my fave. looks like a sapphire, just like my late ah fat, wukong, princess and ah blind.)

k la.. shall end here. must hurry go study for my EL test already. though i'm in hols-mood already. la la la la la...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

a brand NEW day!! =)

school starts at 2pm today!! love it!!! tink NUS wee bit too far. how come all the uni are like so west-based? but good aso la.. save the east side to be the happening and good looking side!! haha.. happens to be where i am for the past 19 yrs!!

feeling so much better today. throat healed (not as i expected but good!!) and no more mood-swing. studies.. aiya.. no pt stressing myself up. just study what i can for the time being! yeah.. i'm back to the old me!!! stay optimistic. LIFE IS GREAT, GREAT TO BE ALIVE! but neck hurts.. probably cos of the ICM (information and communication management) IF1101E webcast i just attended. that lecturer is damn lame. but one of my nicest lecturer-cum-tutor so far.. makes otherwise dead life at NUS more interesting. haha..

wednesday.. 2 more days to pia. after that, its time to have lotsa FUN. meet up with frens.. my 26/02 peepz!!! (esp. sindy, jasmyn, weilin,.. actually all of them!), UG!!! (the usual ppl? heh..), starhub temp ppl!!! (xiang xiang, dorkie, and yiyi.. though i see her ard NUS alot!).

till then, all of ya take care and jiayou. all stuck in this stupid education system but lets make the best out of it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


tuesday the only day that i have for myself in the entire week. i'm so free today that i decided to start a blog. for no rhyme or reason.. just plain bored.

but no, i'm not exactly free. i have tons of things to do in fact.. have to study for my upcoming tests (2 tests this week), find my i/c (dunno where i left it.. darn.) and pack my room (real mess.. as always.).feeling so sick now.. throat hurts. feel like i look like a mess. and stress.. cos tests' coming and i'm not studying. argh.. tink my day sucks. haven been feeling lidat for a long time. mood swing? maybe.. guess its convenient to blame it on PMS.. possible though.but its always comforting to noe that next week is term break!! finally time to take a solid break. i need to 'recuperate', need to go to the beach (sure to soothe me.), need a break desperately.

3 more days to go. must nu li, jia you!! i can do that.. yes, i can.